St. John the Divine Church
St. John the Divine Church is a historic, orthodox, confessional parish "built on Christ Jesus himself" (Ephesians 2:20). We adhere to the Gospel message of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, upon Scripture alone. In a culture full of anger, fear, and loneliness, we have the vision to be an intentional Lutheran community where the Gospel is proclaimed boldly, the Sacraments celebrated joyfully, the Faith taught clearly, the cross is embraced prayerfully, and we serve humbly.
St. John the Divine is a confessional, liturgical parish where the Sacrament of the Altar is celebrated weekly. If you are not a member of a Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod or a part of a church body that shares Altar and Pulpit fellowship with the LCMS, please make every effort to visit with the pastor before communing. You may reach our pastor, Pastor Ike Nicholson, by contacting him here.
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